As you all aware, sofa has reached at a stage of fatigue as the trend suggests it in on a declining stage. To infuse growth and rejuvenate this sofa, we are reintroducing Jineiro in new avatar – in two tone upholstery in Fab Leather (microfiber in two shades – Dune and Espresso) . In this new variant, we have made the following change to enhance the aesthetic and comfort . The product is now plush, smarter and inviting with improved fit and finish.Changes incorporated. Two tone upholstery which enhances the aesthetics. - warm Dune shade to brighten things up and a neutral Espresso shade that would fit into any home décor. The dual tone helps to add character in a subtle and unique manner and breaks the monotony. Quilted lumbar support which enhances comfort as well as gives the sofa a distinct look.Enhanced, Modified and Upgraded version of sofa.Reasons for Introduction :More variety to the customer due to this change overEnhancing value proposition.Vitality in range.Rejuvenate existing Jineiro as it reached a stage of fatigue.Market Segment
Indian middle and higher middle class.Prioritizer User Profile.Stretched Budget.Well educated.Hygiene conscious Brand , aesthetic, design and trend aware.Willing to experiment with shades.Frequent traveler.uying Considerations.Contemporary design.Top of the line aesthetics.Excellent fit and finish.Price of the product
Material : Fab Leather ( Micro fiberShade : 1) Dune 2) Espresso•
Thickness : 1 mm
FrameMaterial : Combination of plywood and pine Wood
Plywood thickness : 12 mm.Moisture content : 10 12 %Foam
Seat : Slab stock foam with density 28 kg/m3 with a 2 top layers of super
soft slab stoc k foam with density 32 kg/m3. Recron sheet of 200GSM is
wrapped & glued above this seat top foam. Seat front bottom is glued with
the slab stoc k foam with density 28 kg/m3.•Back : The back cushion is made of loose polyester conjugated fibre recron )
filled in non woven bags for each seat.•Armrest : . The armrest cushions are made of loose polyester conjugated
recron ) fibre filled in non woven bags.LegsMaterial : PVC Webbing :S spring.Metal stiffener added to seat
frame at understructure instead of ply which is a differentiator from our competitor. This stiffener enhances rigidity of the frame .Quilted pattern at lumber support for enhanced comfort.
UPHOLSTERY PILLING:A pill is a small ball of fibers that form on the face of a piece of fabric. It is caused by abrasion on the
surface of the fabric and is considered an unsightly occurrence on furniture.
What causes pilling?Loose fibers have a natural tendency to move to the surface of a piece of fabric, where they are
subject to friction. This can cause the fibers to twist together into small balls. Fibers that remain secured to the fabric are also twisted into the ball, so that the pill is then secured to the surface of the material. Friction is caused in the normal course of people using their furniture; rubbing against.the surface causes friction. Pilling is more noticeable on man made fibers. This is mainly because.natural fabrics shed loose fibers easily while man made fibers are notoriously strong, so the pills are
anchored strongly to the fabric..Should I send the fabric back?.It is important to note that pilling is not a fabric defect or fault and is not covered under warranty. It can be compared to the shedding experienced when purchasing new carpet think about the way
carpet behaves when newly installed, as there are constantly new loose fibers coming to the surface.over the first few months of use. This is completely normal and will reduce once the excess fibers are gone.
Consumers are sometimes concerned that pilling means that the fabric is wearing away and disintegrating this is not the case. Pilling is a normal occurrence caused by wear and tear and does.not affect the durability or functionality of the fabric. It is easily removable.How do I remove pilling?The quickest and most cost effective approach is to use a battery operated pill shaver to remedy the situation. These small, easy to use appliances are available If piling reoccurs, it can be simply shaved
again. This may occur several times, but the piling will diminish and eventually cease once the excess.Can I buy fabric that doesn’t pill?
Since all fabrics will pill to some extent, the possibility of it happening should not be a main concern
when choosing an upholstery fabric.
However, there are fabrics that are less likely to pill. Some are treated or coated during the
manufacturing process to adhere excess fiber to the surface of the fabric. Some are also put through
a singeing process, which quickly burns the excess surface fibers away.
Smooth, tightly woven fabrics and fabrics made from tightly twisted yarns are less likely to pill
because the fibers are held tightly in the cloth. When a fabric is made from more than one fiber
type, where one fiber is strong and one is weak (for example poly cotton blends) piling will be more
noticeable, because the weaker fiber wears and breaks, while the stronger fiber holds the pills to the
cloth. Ultimately, if you notice that your furniture is developing pills, don’t be alarmed. It is easily
remedied and does not mean your furniture is made of poor quality fabric.